Monday, December 24, 2007

Small Town Mayor Steals Dog

Here is a story involving a small town mayor stealing a dog. The owners of the dog left it with the mayor to take care of while they were taking their kids on vacation. The dog was very sick at the time because of a previous incident where it got trapped under the house. The mayor felt that because they didn't cancel their vacation plans to take care of the sick dog they were not giving it enough affection and so they were mistreating it and called them to tell them it died while they were gone. It turned out the dog was still alive and quite well living with the mayor. In this case the authorities decided not to press criminal charges, which I feel is outright wrong. The mayor stole their dog and should be punished.

Mayor Steals Dog

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that we should have a system in place for animals that are not taken care of just as we have for children. Althought the mayor should have not lied about the dog dying the dog should absolutely be removed from the house until further investigation of the mistreatment of the animal. Unfortunaltely we live in a society that will always see animals as not worthy of better treatment. Animals give us everything they have, they love us no matter how horrible we treat them. I dont understand why people get a dog if they dont want it. Why aren't people smart enough to think ahead to what the cost of medical treatment could be for an animal that may get sick. If you're not willing to pay to take care of it, you should not get one. The mayor needs to offer these people money. That's all it was about in the first place, they are exactly the kind of people that would take the money over their "beloved pet" that they so badly want back.